Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do we offer shipping? - Yes, we offer 2 Day Delivery, Next Day Delivery to the UK and we also offer tracked worldwide delivery.
  • When will you ship? - Orders are shipped on a regular 2 day basis, 1 day to package and 1 day to ship. Once shipped you’ll receive an email with your tracking number & further info.
  • Do you make wax melts? - No, we do not make wax melts, we only make jar candles.
  • Can you offer any gift sets? - Yes please contact us through the enquiry form on our website and we’ll give you further details.
  • Can you do personalisation? - Please contact us and let us know what kind of personalisation
  • I live local, can I collect? - Yes, if you live locally and would like to collect please select collection at checkout and we’ll let you know further details!
  • I’d like to smell some scents before ordering, are there testers available? - Of course! Contact us and we can arrange something for you.

Any other general enquiries/order related please contact us.

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